Join the Plucking Strummers!

A welcoming sing-and-strum ‘ukulele club serving
Northeast Los Angeles and beyond.

Join us from 9:00 - 11:45 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturday morning of each month at Christ Church of Los Angeles in Atwater Village!

We play a lot of music out of the famously popular Yellow and Blue Daily ‘Ukulele songbooks, with fresh additions and timeless classics thrown in for good measure.

Each strum begins with an hour of fun, informative learning followed by an hour of playing and singing together, with snacks in between. We’ll wrap things up with an encouraging open mic filled with lovely performances!

Players of all ages and skill levels are invited to attend, and music will be provided in person (and often in advance via our Facebook page).

Recommended Donation: $10

Address: 3852 Edenhurst Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90039

Upcoming Strums and Events

Meet the Plucking Strummers

Represent wherever you plucking strum!

Plucking Strummers custom clothing, ‘ukulele accessories, decor and more.